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an-box an-infobox an-sunkenplace
anole docs - boxes
to turn divs and other block level elements into card-like containers for other content.
will take care of line spacing, padding and margins. However, if you need anything extra, such as a definite width, you will need a helper class such as
(for example).
with no further content but this text. This box also has the class
so that it only takes up 35% of the page container's width.
with no further content but this text. This box also has the class
so that it only takes up 45% of the page container's width.
applied. With this combination, you can center the content of your
You will need another helper class to center text itself. See TODO
This will be under text formatting in the future.
See text formatting for more information.
for this.
NOTICE: When using .an-label within .an-center, the contents of
will need to be wrapped in another element, such as a span.

to as an alternative, for highlighting important details, for instance.

A container that appears engraved into the page.
The name should ring a bell.
this section is always visible, but can be hidden.